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Women With Big Butts Live Longer? (What Science Says)

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Big butts are in

I can’t believe that I even need to write this sentence, but, big butts are in. Like really, really in. You see it blowing up on social media (some women have made entire careers off of it) and in the gym.

J-Lo has always had it going on, but lately the Kardashians and Jenners have blown things way out of proportion (pun intended) and fitness models like Brittany Perille have opened a whole new world of Fitspo.

These days it’s not uncommon to overhear a conversation along the lines of:

“Do these leggings make my butt look big?”


It’s a cultural phenomenon. Large glutes are in vogue. They’re something that many aspire to. Others, like ourselves, aim to help men and women grow and strengthen their glutes through diet and exercise. That’s definitely part of the appeal, it’s something you can develop and grow with hard work and dedication.

When you break it down, there are three types of big booties out there. One type is the subject of this post. And what’s shocking is that there is research out there that supports the idea that women with bigger butts are healthier than those without, may live longer and are better protected against metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Let’s jump into the three glute types.

Bought Vs Earned Vs Inherited Glutes

Dr. Miami has been busy these last couple of years. Fat injections, implants and aggressively high calorie diet programs have become increasingly common for women trying to get the thicc “Kardashian” look: tiny waist and massive cheeks. These are the “bought” butts. Have enough cash and are able to stomach the risk of surgery? You’re ready to fill out them jeans, girl!

Other’s work for years to develop strong, athletic muscles that give you increased confidence and performance on and off the field. (If you’re looking to increase athletic performance, check out this coming article). We call these “earned glutes,” because well, if you have a set of these you legitimately earned them.

The third type of poppin’ posterior we refer to as “inherited.” If you fall into this category, you’ve probably always had bigger glutes than your friends. At least since puberty anyway. (Mine didn’t start thickening until I was about 19.) You probably also have a mom or other family members with some big sets as well. It’s just genetic. 

BP is one of those genetic freaks of nature that are also the hardest workers in the gym, and it shows!

What Genes Affect Glute Size?

When you get into the fundamentals of what controls glute size, you can break it down into four things:

  1. Your bone structure, specifically around the pelvic area. (These are the same bones that control the appearance of hip dips)
  2. Your gluteal muscle insertion points, meaning, where the glutes connect and attach to your bones (we’ll get another post breaking that down up ASAP)
  3. Your glute muscle’s physical size
  4. The amount of fat that your body naturally stores on the glutes, thighs and hip area.

As you can see, the size of butt is mainly impacted by your genes (thanks mom). Three out of four of the four factors are based 100% off of your genetics. 

You can still make a huge change to your appearance and performance through diet and exercise but the rest is out of your hands. 

According to a study of 16,000 women performed by Dr. Konstantin Manolopoulos, of Oxford University, women who naturally store fat on the buttocks were most healthy.

Why? Well, if your natural predisposition is to store fat around the tummy, that particular type of fat is better at storing and releasing fat after long periods of starvation or exercise. 

This belly fat produces fatty acids that can be stored in the liver, and can be connected to heart disease, diabetes and insulin resistance. This type of fan can also promote increased inflammation in the body.

On the other hand, the glutes and legs store fat and don’t like to let it go keeping it safely away from your organs. When there’s a lot of fat stored there, your body will also release healthy hormones like adipokinectin and leptin which offer amazing fat burning benefits. 

That may seem a little counter-intuitive at first. “I thought you said it holds on to fat? How it is also increasing fat burning?”

These genetically gifted women’s bodies essentially become really good at gaining fat in the glutes and thighs, while simultaneously losing it elsewhere. Leading us to...

“...An Itty Bity Waist And A Round Thing...”

You can grow your glutes with training, or with some dollar bills, but the easiest way to visualize the benefits of being one of these genetic glute goddesses is to look at their hip to waist ratio. 

These types of women generally have a tiny waist, wider hips and large glutes. You can see it some people who don’t exercise, even if they’re heavily overweight, the large hip to waist ratio is still visible. 

If that’s you, congrats! Science says you’re potentially healthier than people who have the opposite build. 

If that isn’t you, all that means is that we have to work a bit hard to get to our goals. Remember to always appreciate your genetics and your body. You’re incredible, beautiful and worthy of love and admiration. 

Either way, we all have work to do, so let’s get to it. See y’all in the gym!


  1. Manolopoulos, Marcos, et al. "Gluteofemoral body fat as a determinant of metabolic health," International Journal of Obesity, 2010, Jun;34(6): 949-59.

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